Course notes

Our best effort to record what we tell you and our discussions will appear here, often in hand-written form.

Course Texts

From Sundials to Atomic Clocks: Understanding Time and Frequency, by J. Jespersen and J. Fitz-Randolph (Dover, 1999).

The Order of Time, by C. Rovelli (Penguin, 2018).

Further Recommended Books

A Brief History of Time, by S. Hawking
A classic study that addresses many of the questions we will cover in the class.

The End of Time, by J. Barbour
An excellent introduction to relationalism and time without universal clocks. The second half on quantum time is a harder read.

Why Time Flies, by A. Burdick
A fairly comprehensive coverage of our experience of time.

In Search of Time, D. Falk
A wide ranging treatment of the physics, philosophy and psychology of time.

Time Travel, J. Gleick
An engaging account of the cultural evolution of our notions of time.

It's About Time , D. Mermin
A good non-technical treatment of special relativity and its implications for time.