Course notes

My best effort to record what I tell you and our discussions will appear here, sometimes in hand-written form.

Video from Class

Video killed the radio star!

Lab notes

Notes for our final Python lab appear above in the class notes section.
Hand out for lab 8: Lab 8 Instructions.
Hand out for lab 7: Lab 7 Instructions.
Hand out for lab 6: Lab 6 Instructions.
Hand out for lab 5: Lab 5 Instructions.
Hand out for lab 4: Lab 4 Instructions.
Hand out for lab 3: Lab 3 Instructions. Python instructions for interacting with graphics notebook. Download this figure to run the interactive part of the notebook Radius1.jpg
Hand out for lab 2: Lab 2 Instructions.
Hand out for lab 1: Lab 1 Instructions.
The (gorgeous) results of your first experiments:

Plain M & M decays

Full Bag Predictions

Peanut M & M decays

Hand out for this lab: Lab 0 Instructions.