Course notes

My best effort to record what I tell you and our discussions will appear here, often in hand-written form.

Further Recommended Books

Classical Dynamics: A Contemporary Approach, by J. V. José & E. J. Saletan
A wonderful book, which is at a slightly more advanced level than our text.

Analytic Mechanics, by L. N. Hand and J. D. Finch
A bit sparse at points, but also provides nice discussion of some fine points.

Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, by J. B. Marion & S. T. Thornton
A bit drier than our course text, but it is at the same level and provides an alternative perspective.

Classical Mechanics, by H. Goldstein, C. P. Poole & J. Safko
The standard graduate level text. Old fashioned, but excellent in many respects.

Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechancis, by V. I. Arnol’d
A rigorous and exquisite treatise by one of the greats of the field.