Computing Resources Computing is an invaluable resource for the physical sciences. As the need arises, I will post notes on using Jupyter or Mathematica notebooks here.
Cautionary note for Safari Browswer users: By default Safari downloads jupyter notebooks as text files (extension .txt). Before you are able to open the file properly in jupyter you will need to change this extension.
- My solution for the oscillator comparison problem from Hw5.
- Henry's animation of Gaussian wave packets.
- An illustration of one method for animating plots in Python. Here I've taken the time-dependent wave function we studied in class and animated the time evolution: notebook.
- An example solution for making plots of Fourier series in Python: Hw3Plot notebook.
- Instructions for downloading and installing Anaconda: pdf.
- Instructions for Python and Jupyter 1: Lists, Plotting, and Fitting, pdf. The Lists, Plotting, and Fitting notebook.
- Instructions for Python and Jupyter 2: Interacting with graphics and defining functions notebook. Download this figure to run the interactive part of the notebook Radius1.jpg.
- Python and Jupyter Practice on plotting gaussians: notebook.