Quantitative Tutoring

Bard College offers several forms of academic tutoring support for its quantitative courses. Use this page to learn about the resources available to ensure your academic success!

Fall 2022
Dedicated Math Course Tutors

The Bard Math Program offers math support for the following courses this semester. Find more information about your tutor in the image gallery below!

  • BLC 150  Algebra Workshop: Anna (Email)
  • BLC 190  Algebra, Trigonometry, and Functions: Anna (Email)
  • MATH 105 Time, Space, Infinity: Hannah (Email), Minshi (Calendar)
  • MATH 110 Precalculus: Emma (Calendar), Josef (Calendar), Nafis (Email)
  • MATH 116 Mathematics: Puzzles & Games: Skye (Email)
  • MATH 141 Calculus I: Arpon (Email), Emma (Calendar), Erica (Email), Tina (Email)
  • MATH 142 Calculus II: Arpon (Email), Erica (Email), Nafis (Email)
  • MATH 211 Introduction to Differential Equations: Nafis (Email)
  • MATH 242 Elementary Linear Algebra: Darrion (Email), Josef (Calendar)
  • MATH 255 Vector Calculus: Nafis (Email)
  • MATH 261 Proofs and Fundamentals: Daniel (Email), Tina (Email)
  • MATH 361 Real Analysis: Daniel (Email)

Meet the Dedicated Math Course Tutors

MATH 110 Precalculus
MATH 142 Calculus II
MATH 211 Intro to Differential Equations
MATH 255 Vector Calculus

Hi, My name is Nafis. I use him, his pronouns. I am a Sophomore at Bard College. I am studying Math and Physics at Bard. I believe in a hands-on learning experience for any kind of science. My objective is to make math fun and approachable for all students. My hobbies are doing physics projects, coding, robotics, photography, and traveling.

MATH 141 Calculus I
MATH 142 Calculus II

Understanding the world around is an integral part of understanding who we are ourselves, and that is the core desire all of us share. Mathematics, being the language of nature, is something we cannot avoid. Why would we want to avoid this beautiful tool anyway? I, being a math enthusiast, would try to impart my realization of the beauty of mathematics through thinking about mathematical concepts and problems together. Life is beautiful, and so is mathematics. Let's dive deep into it!

MATH 110 Precalculus
MATH 141 Calculus I

Hi! My name is Emma Derrick (she/her). I am an intended math and physics joint major. I am passionate about math, and I hope to help anyone who needs it. Please feel free to email me with any questions or sign up for a time to meet!

MATH 242 Elementary Linear Algebra

Hi! My name is Darrion and I'm a third-year at Bard College studying Mathematics & Computer Science. Outside of academics, I'm a PC, tour guide, involved in club life, and I love exploring the outdoors here at Bard.

MATH 141 Calculus I
MATH 142 Calculus II

Hi, my name is Erica and I'm a junior majoring in Computer Science. If you have any questions on homework or course material, please feel free to sign up at the link below reach out to me by email. I'm looking forward to tutoring this semester!

MATH 141 Calculus I
MATH 261 Proofs and Fundamentals

Hello! My name is Tina and I'm a senior majoring in computer science in mathematics. I have been tutoring since high school and am always more than happy to meet with your study group or one-on-one to help you stay on top of your math coursework. My favorite math/CS field is building models and simulations, which is also my tentative senior project topic! Outside academics, I am a huge fan of crime shows and psychological thrillers. I am very responsive via email, so feel free to reach out any time!

MATH 110 Precalculus
MATH 242 Elementary Linear Algebra

Hello, my name is Josef and I'm a junior studying math and computer science. Please don't hesitate to reach out about help with Precalculus or Elementary Linear Algebra. Apart from math I enjoy rock climbing and hanging out with friends. The best way to contact me is by appointment slot or by email at jl3540@bard.edu.

MATH 105 Time, Space, Infinity

Hello. I’m Minshi, you can also call my Liangyi. I’m a sophomore on my way to major in anthropology and math. This semester I will be a dedicated course tutor for Time, Space, and Infinity, and I’m also struggling with proofs and taking linear algebra. You are all welcome to discuss questions together. My email is my8028, feel free to set up a meeting time with me.

BLC 150 Algebra Workshop
BLC 190 Algebra, Trigonometry, and Functions

Hello, my name is Anna Elizabeth Connelly. I am a rising sophomore at Bard and turning 19 in September. I intend to major in mathematics and physics with aspirations of becoming a scientific researcher in either astrophysics or quantum physics. I also love learning foreign languages as I lived in France as a primary school student; I can speak French fluently and Spanish conversationally. I have taken Calculus II and Linear Algebra at Bard, as well as both Introductory to Physics courses. I am currently continuing on the path to moderate in both areas of study. I would describe myself as curious about how the world works and passionate about communicating knowledge with others.

MATH 105 Time, Space, Infinity

Hi! I'm Hannah (she/her), a junior math and piano major, and I'm so excited to be a course tutor for you this semester! I know what it means to struggle with math but I have found my way around math hardships. I find that it can be a really rewarding process, and I hope tI can help you along your way :)

MATH 261 Proofs and Fundamentals
MATH 361 Real Analysis

Hi! My name is Daniel (he/him), and I'm a senior majoring in math and physics. This semester, I'll be the dedicated course tutor for Proofs and Fundamentals and Real Analysis. If you'd like to set up a meeting, either send me an email or use my Calendly with the link below. I'm looking forward to tutoring this semester!

MATH 116 Mathematics: Puzzles & Games

Skye is a junior math student, the course assistant and tutor for Mathematics of Puzzles and Games, entranced by origami, enthused about bagels, and available if you have questions.

The Math Study Room

The Learning Commons Math Study Room is open each evening, Sunday through Thursday, 7–9pm in the Math Lounge (3rd floor Albee). It's a great place to work on math, meet your math study group and fellow classmates, or talk with a math tutor.

Math Study Room Staff:

  • Sunday: Daniel and Erica
  • Monday: Nafis and Skye
  • Tuesday: Daniel and Josef
  • Wednesday: Josh and Skye
  • Thursday: Erica and Nafis
Albee Hall 3rd Floor

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