Factorial ANOVA (Lab 10)

Learn to conduct a factorial ANOVA in Jamovi

November 16, 2023


Today’s lab’s objectives are to:

  • Learn about factorial ANOVA
  • Learn how to conduct a factorial ANOVA in Jamovi

There’s no answer sheet for today’s lab. However, you should plan to know how to conduct a factorial ANOVA!

Factorial ANOVA

We’ll use an example via Matthew Crump for this, based on data from Rosenbaum, Mama, & Algom (2017):

Rosenbaum, D., Mama, Y., & Algom, D. (2017). Stand by your Stroop: Standing up enhances selective attention and cognitive control. Psychological Science, 28(12), 1864–1867. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797617721270

The paper asked the kind of odd question of whether standing up vs. sitting down influenced attention. They used the Stroop task—which you may have learned about in your classes—naming words based on the color of the letters rather than their content, which is easier when the word is the same color (e.g., red—congruent) and harder when different (e.g., red—incongruent). So we have a \(2\times{}2\) design, or a two-way factorial ANOVA. Factors are position (standing vs. sitting) and condition (congruent vs. incongruent). They had participants do a congruent Stroop while sitting and then do the incongruent Stroop. They also had folks do it while standing. Throughout, they measured how long it took for people to respond (reaction time—RT).

The data from experiment 1 follows:

id position condition rt
101 sitting incongruent 929.0741
101 sitting congruent 888.3871
102 sitting incongruent 988.1818
102 sitting congruent 888.6176
103 sitting incongruent 945.2174
103 sitting congruent 842.6970
104 sitting incongruent 913.6667
104 sitting congruent 735.3125
105 sitting incongruent 935.3125
105 sitting congruent 818.9706
106 sitting incongruent 867.1250
106 sitting congruent 814.7429
107 sitting incongruent 936.4000
107 sitting congruent 785.2857
108 sitting incongruent 764.7879
108 sitting congruent 693.9429
109 sitting incongruent 985.7308
109 sitting congruent 961.8000
110 sitting incongruent 976.2800
110 sitting congruent 830.9355
112 sitting incongruent 780.5588
112 sitting congruent 706.3056
114 sitting incongruent 950.6667
114 sitting congruent 752.6471
115 sitting incongruent 865.3000
115 sitting congruent 702.5294
116 sitting incongruent 734.6857
116 sitting congruent 607.9167
117 sitting incongruent 896.2258
117 sitting congruent 815.1471
118 sitting incongruent 854.0345
118 sitting congruent 715.6875
119 sitting incongruent 854.0833
119 sitting congruent 797.0000
201 standing incongruent 848.9412
201 standing congruent 786.0571
202 standing incongruent 930.9259
202 standing congruent 933.1562
203 standing incongruent 860.8182
203 standing congruent 771.5556
204 standing incongruent 895.0345
204 standing congruent 767.9375
205 standing incongruent 856.3333
205 standing congruent 792.0000
206 standing incongruent 907.2903
206 standing congruent 858.3636
207 standing incongruent 868.2188
207 standing congruent 816.9722
208 standing incongruent 780.1176
208 standing congruent 682.0000
209 standing incongruent 858.9706
209 standing congruent 833.9394
210 standing incongruent 934.1905
210 standing congruent 909.6071
212 standing incongruent 802.3030
212 standing congruent 723.4545
214 standing incongruent 883.6957
214 standing congruent 804.3714
215 standing incongruent 897.5312
215 standing congruent 709.7647
216 standing incongruent 711.2424
216 standing congruent 624.0882
217 standing incongruent 840.7333
217 standing congruent 703.8056
218 standing incongruent 901.6875
218 standing congruent 807.5806
219 standing incongruent 860.8421
219 standing congruent 827.9600

You should do the following:

  1. Download the data from here or on Brightspace, and open it in Jamovi
  2. Calculate the means per condition and position (using Descriptives in Jamovi), so you wind up with 4 means (sitting/congruent; sitting/incongruent; standing/congruent; standing/incongruent). (You’ll want to have rt in Variables and condition and position in “Split By”.)
  3. Also get Jamovi to give you the standard error of the mean, or get the standard deviation and n, and calculate SE yourself (you can look up the equation if needed)
  4. Put the means and SE into Google Sheets or Excel
  5. Make a bar (column) plot. Add the error bars. Add labels to the axes.

We are doing this much like we did in Lab 3 or the solo project. Your plot should look something like this—but do it yourself so you know how. Struggling? Keep trying, or ask for help! Here I plot without error bars, but you should add them. At minimum, you should understand what this plot is, how to create it, and why it’s useful: it’s showing our group means.

Is it clear here whether there’s a difference between conditions? We can change the y-axis to zoom in. You should be able to do the same thing in Excel or Sheets. I’m zooming to the RT between 700 and 1000ms. (I’ve also added the error bars.)

When we zoom in, it actually looks like there’s something here, perhaps? At least, there’s a main effect of condition, for sure—incongruent trials are responded to more slowly than normal. That would be a t-test, right? But is there a main effect of position? Probably not, perhaps? And is there an interaction? Well, that’s the question!

There’s more to the experiment in the original, but for us we can just conduct a factorial ANOVA.

Go to Jamovi and run the ANOVA. Put rt in the depedent variable section, and the other two terms we’re interested in (not id) in the Fixed Factors section.

Check the checkbox to also get the \(\eta^2\) (effect size). Your table should look quite similar to this:

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p η2
position 4348 1 4348 0.754 0.388 0.008
condition 141841 1 141841 24.600 < .001 0.273
position * condition 4180 1 4180 0.725 0.398 0.008
Residuals 369011 64 5766

Spend some time trying to make sense of this. Which effects are statistically significant? Which have a meaningful effect size? Remember to start with the interaction. Then click through to confirm.

There is no significant interaction, \(F(1, 64)=0.73,p=.40\); there was no interaction between condition and prediction.

There is a main effect of condition, as we could probably tell from the plot. You can write it up using the df from above and the F and p-values: \(F(1, 64)=24.6,p<.05,\eta^2=0.27\); participants were slower to respond on incongruent trials. This effect is rather large. This implies that people responded differently in the congruent from incongruent condition. Good! We would expect to see that.

condition Mean RT SD of RT
congruent 785.6041 82.43226
incongruent 876.9473 68.15789

Yes, looks like there is a much slower reaction time (RT) to incongruent trials. They’re harder! This happens across conditions; you’ll see that if you look at your graph.

There’s no effect of position, though, \(F(1, 64)=0.75,p=.39\); participants didn’t respond more slowly when sitting or standing.

position Mean RT SD of RT
sitting 839.2722 97.57685
standing 823.2791 78.01138

And this makes sense, given that mean RT for the two positions are slightly different, but SD is large!

In Jamovi, go back to your ANOVA menu, and scroll down to “Estimated Marginal Means.” Put both condition and position in Term 1. Under Output, check the checkbox for “Marginal means plots” and “Marginal means tables.” Switch error bars to show standard error.

You should see a table that’s very similar to the one you made in Google Sheets or Excel. The means should be identical; the SE should be just about the average of what you found. They’ve also shown you 95% confidence intervals.

The plot, though, is a little different: it’s just showing the means and error bars, not a bar plot. It should look rather like this (note that if you put them in the reverse order, the plot will flip the factors; that would be fine, but will look different):

Does this plot provide different information from yours? More or less? My general sense: it’s about the same!

Interaction? What interaction?!

Because your interaction was non-significant, you could consider re-running the ANOVA without it. We’ve no real reason to suppose that we should do that here—our hypothesis involved it, I think!—but let’s learn to do it anyway. In Jamovi, scroll back up under the ANOVA to “Model”, and remove “condition * position” from the right side.

You’ll see that everything changes! The plot changes a bit (it’s using estimates from the model rather than the real data, now), and the ANOVA table looks like this:

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p η2
condition 141841 1 141841 24.705 < .001 0.273
position 4348 1 4348 0.757 0.387 0.008
Residuals 373191 65 5741

What’s changed? Why do you think it has changed?

Removing the interaction means that the model changed a little bit. Since the interaction wasn’t significant—it wasn’t adding much to the model!—the values haven’t shifted much. Since the \(MS_{within}\) (under Residuals) hasn’t changed much, the \(F\) values don’t change much either. (And therefore, neither have the \(p\)s.)

The plot actually has changed more, though. This is because it’s using “estimated marginal means” based on the model, rather than the actual means we were calculating.

Assumptions Made

We also will be discussing assumptions in class. In Jamovi, you can click on “Assumption Checks” and run tests of the assumption of normality and homogeneity of variance. Re-run the model with position * condition included, then add the assumption checks.

You’ll see Levene’s test for homogeneity of variance, which we can report as \(F(3, 64)=1.39,p=.25\). If this were significant, it would mean we were violating our assumption that variance is similar between groups. Since it’s not, we can continue with this assumption.

You’ll also see the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality. Again, the p-value is non-significant (\(p=.37\)) which means that our assumption is not violated. The residuals are (relatively) normal.

In principle, as we’ll discuss, if these were significant, we’d need to make some sort of correction.


Let’s switch gears!

Remember that penguin data from the beginning of the semester? Go find it on Brightspace (or on your computer, or download it here), and open it in Jamovi. We’re going to ask some questions using the grouping variables.

Once you have the data open, use a Filter to ignore the penguins for whom sex is not known (i.e., set sex != NA in the filter.

Please remember that because NA is a special designation (it means “not available” here), it doesn’t have quotes. But normally it’s only the variable names, or numbers, that don’t have quotation marks. If we were only trying to filter to male penguins, we’d write sex == "male".

Use the ANOVA menu to answer whether there is an interaction between penguin sex and the island they live on in predicting body_mass_g. Then practice writing up the results. Once you’re done, click through to see my answer.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
sex 2.71 × 107 1 2.71 × 107 95.844 < .001
island 8.25 × 107 2 4.12 × 107 145.575 < .001
sex * island 1.06 × 106 2 5.32 × 105 1.877 0.155
Residuals 9.26 × 107 327 2.83 × 105

There was no interaction between sex and island, \(F(2, 327)=1.88,p=.16\), but there was a main effect of sex, \(F(1, 327)=95.84,p<.05\) and a main effect of island, \(F(2,327)=145.58,p<.05\).

M SD n sem
Biscoe 4319.38 659.75 80 73.76
Dream 3446.31 269.52 61 34.51
Torgersen 3395.83 259.14 24 52.90
Biscoe 5104.52 714.20 83 78.39
Dream 3987.10 349.52 62 44.39
Torgersen 4034.78 372.47 23 77.67

Get Jamovi to make you a plot as well. Which island has heavier penguins? Which sex is heavier?

Dream penguins only

Filter to only penguins who lives on the island Dream. (Remember to use quotation marks.) Then run an ANOVA to determine whether body_mass_g is predicted by the interaction between sex and species on Dream.

Make a plot, and try to answer the questions about which sex/species is heavier. Is there an interaction? Practice writing up the results. Once you’re done, click through to see my answer.

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
sex 9.41 × 106 1 9.41 × 106 100.604 < .001
species 4.41 × 104 1 4.41 × 104 0.472 0.494
sex * species 6.36 × 105 1 6.36 × 105 6.800 0.01
Residuals 1.11 × 107 119 9.36 × 104

There was an interaction between sex and species, \(F(1, 119)=6.8,p<.05\). There was also a main effect of sex, \(F(1, 119)=100.6,p<.05\). There was no main effect of species, \(F(1,119)=0.47,p=.49\). (There were only two species on the Dream island.)

M SD n sem
Adelie 3344.44 212.06 27 40.81
Chinstrap 3527.21 285.33 34 48.93
Adelie 4045.54 330.55 28 62.47
Chinstrap 3938.97 362.14 34 62.11

The interaction, explained: Adelie males are heavier than Chinstrap males, but Adelie females are not as heavy as Chinstrap females. But the species are roughly similar in weight.

That’s it! If you’re still finding filters or plots a challenge, or have questions about running ANOVA in Jamovi, take advantage of the stats study rooms, tutors, or my office hours.



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Dainer-Best, Justin},
  title = {Factorial {ANOVA} {(Lab} 10)},
  date = {2023-11-16},
  url = {https://faculty.bard.edu/jdainerbest/stats/labs//posts/10-factorial-anova},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Dainer-Best, Justin. 2023. “Factorial ANOVA (Lab 10).” November 16, 2023. https://faculty.bard.edu/jdainerbest/stats/labs//posts/10-factorial-anova.