--- title: "Class Report: Topic" author: "your name goes here" date: "date here" output: html_document --- (If you open this file in a web browser, it may appear as a text file. Download it with File: Save As, and make sure that the file extension is .Rmd and not .txt.) # Summary of topic This is the area where you summarize what you believe to be the most important points (and, where relevant, equations) relating to the concepts discussed since the last report You can use R code in the R Markdown file, if you would like. You can also insert images. If you would like to use equations, you can either write them in plain text (e.g., z = (M-mu)/sigma), use a photo, or play around with LaTeX formulas (e.g., $z = \frac{M-\mu_m}{\mathit{\sigma_m}}$). # Identify questions In this section, you should identify any questions you still have about this topic/concept---explain what the concept is, and why you still have questions # Comment on the homework Give yourself feedback on the homework assignment you turned in---how did you work on it, and where did you succeed or struggle? What grade would you give yourself? # Area of interest Identify what is *exciting* or *interesting* about the material, and explain why. # Application Lastly, I invite you to apply the statistical methods we have been discussing to a psychological question that you develop. For example, you might give an example of a psychological experiment where a *z*-test could be used to draw conclusions about the results. When you are finished, you should save the R Markdown file and Knit it into an HTML file, which you can turn in.