Lab 08: The solo project

PSY 203: Lab 8.

Justin Dainer-Best true

The primary website for this course is

These are all of the instructions for the solo project. The list of labs is here.

This website contains R lab code for labs in Bard College’s Fall 2020 for Statistics for Psychology, taught by Prof. Justin Dainer-Best.

You will download the lab’s files to your computer or to your account.


This lab asks you to practice the skills you have learned about running t-tests and visualizing the results, as well as reporting them. It also expects you to practice using filter() and otherwise subsetting data. As described in the syllabus, the solo project is designed to be completed alone, and allows you to apply the code we’ve been learning in lab to a research question. This project helps you practice adapting code from previous work to a new question.

Make sure you’re in the right working directory

Set your working directory if necessary. Check that you’re in the directory you expect by running getwd() in the Console. If you need more help, look at the wiki page on setting a working directory.

The solo project

To download the project and the data it relies on, run the following command. Please note: only run the usethis::usezip() line once! Running it again will result in your overwriting the files on your computer—potentially losing your work.

Make sure you run the whole command, all the way to the closing parenthesis.

                        cleanup = TRUE)

For most users, a window will pop up with the solo project. Double click on it to open it, or select it from the Files pane in RStudio.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Dainer-Best (2020, Oct. 19). PSY 203: Statistics for Psychology: Lab 08: The solo project. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Dainer-Best, Justin},
  title = {PSY 203: Statistics for Psychology: Lab 08: The solo project},
  url = {},
  year = {2020}