The textbook for the class is the class notes available at the Google Classroom site for this class, on the Classwork page, under the heading Materials.
The class notes are not to be circulated or posted anywhere other than for this class.
If you find any errors in the class notes, or you have any suggestions for improvements, please email the instructor at bloch "at" bard "dot" edu.
What is Math 104:
This course examines applications of mathematics to a number of topics related to data and decision-making. Topics will be chosen from three relevant areas of mathematics: voting systems, networks and statistics, all of which involve extracting information from various types of data. There is no particular mathematical preparation needed for this course beyond basic algebra, and a willingness to explore new ideas, construct convincing arguments and use a spreadsheet.
The prerequisite for this course is passing Part 1 of the Mathematics Placement.
If you are unsure whether Math 104 is an appropriate course for you, please consult with the instructor.
Google Classroom and Email:
All the needed information for this class will be available at the Google Classroom site for this class, on the Classwork page. You will be invited to joint this Google Classroom site at the start of the semester.
Class notes and other handouts will be available at the Google Classroom site.
All homework assignments will be posted, and then submitted, at the Google Classroom site.
Urgent announcements may be sent out via campus email, so make sure you either check your Bard email regularly or have your Bard email forwarded to the email address of your choice.
Calculators, Computers and Electronic Devices:
For most of the course, pencil and paper will suffice.
A calculator will be needed for some exercises. Free calculator apps are available for smartphones, tablets and computers.
Programmable and/or graphing calculators are not required; do not spend any money buying a calculator for this course.
Electronic devices, including cell phones, tablets and laptop computers, may be used during class only for reasons related to the class, for example as calculators, to take notes or to read the text.
Texting, messaging and using social media is not allowed during class