Discrete and computational geometry, which has applications in areas such as pattern recognition, image processing, computer graphics and terrain modeling, is the study of geometric constructs in two- and three-dimensional space that arise from finite sets of points. This class will treat fundamental topics in the field, including convex hull, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, curve reconstruction and polyhedra. The class will combine both theory and algorithms.
The work for the class will involve both traditional proofs and implementation of algorithms in the Python programming language, which will be discussed in class.
This course is cross-listed with the Computer Science Program.
The prerequisites for this course are either Proofs and Fundamentals (MATH 261), or Discrete Mathematics (CMSC 145) and some programming experience.
If you are unsure whether Math 313 is an appropriate course for you, please speak with the instructor.
Google Classroom and Email:
All the needed information for this class will be available at the Google Classroom site for this class, on the Classwork page. You will be invited to joint this Google Classroom site at the start of the semester.
Theory notes and programming notes will be available at the Google Classroom site.
All homework assignments will be posted at the Google Classroom site. Theory assignments will be submitted via the Google Classroom site, and programming assignments will be submitted via Google Colab.
Urgent announcements may be sent out via campus email, so make sure you either check your Bard email regularly or have your Bard email forwarded to the email address of your choice.
Calculators, Computers and Electronic Devices:
Programming assignments in Python, using Jupyter Notebooks, are an important part of this course. There are two recommended ways to do Jupyter Notebooks for this course: (1) Ananconda, which you can download onto your computer, or (2) Google CoLab, which is done online.
Theory homework assignments can be done either by hand or in LaTeX. If you use LaTeX, it must be done using the homework template of the Bard TeX style file, which is available at the instructor's TeX website. If you need help with LaTeX, ask the instructor.
Electronic devices, including cell phones, tablets and laptop computers, may be used during class only for reasons related to the class, for example to take notes, to read the text or to do programming.
Texting, messaging and using social media is not allowed during class.