Urgent announcements may be sent out via campus email, so make sure you either check your Bard email regularly or have your Bard email forwarded to the email address of your choice.
What is Math 361:
Real analysis is the branch of mathematics that both fills in the theoretical details of Calculus (which was not rigorous when first invented), and generalizes Calculus to a variety of spaces. This course will develop the standard introductory concepts of real analysis on the real number line, including limits, continuity, derivatives, integrals, sequences and series. Many of these concepts, such as limits and continuity, are useful in a variety of mathematical contexts beyond real analysis.
The minimal prerequisite is Proofs and Fundamentals (Mathematics 261); an additional proofs-based 300-level mathematics course is strongly recommended.
If you are unsure whether Math 361 is an appropriate course for you, please consult with the instructor.
Google Classroom Site:
The Google Classroom site for this class contains information about exams, homework, grading, accommodations and more.
A video recording of each class will be posted at the Google Classroom site.
Homework assignments will be posted, and must be submitted, at the Google Classroom site.
Students in the class will be invited to the Google Classroom site at the start of the semester.
To access the Google Classroom site, you must be logged into Google using your Bard email address.
Calculators, Computers and Electronic Devices:
Use of a computer will be needed for typing the homework in LaTeX, which will be required for all homework assignments, as discussed in class.
Calculators are not needed for this class.
Electronic devices, including cell phones, tablets and laptop computers, may be used during class only for reasons related to the class, for example as calculators, to take notes or to read the text.
Texting, messaging and using social media is not allowed during class.
Coronavirus Issues
All Plans Are Subject To Change:
Given the ever-changing situation with the Coronavirus, the following plans may be changed as circumstances require. The highest priority is to ensure the safety of everyone in the class.
Any changes to the way the class is conducted will be sent by email to the students in the class.
In-Person and Remote:
Every class will meet in-person.
Every class will be recorded as a video, which will be posted at the class Google Classroom site.
If you are on campus, you are very much encouraged to attend class in person if you are healthy and comfortable attending.
Attendance will be taken at the start of each class for the sake of contact tracing, but will not be a factor in grading.
Class Meetings — Coronavirus Issues:
All students who are attending class must complete the daily health screening using Involvio, the College daily health screen app; a green pass on Involvio gives access to academic buildings, and needs to be shown at the start of class.
Please do not attend class if you are sick, feel ill, know you may have been exposed to coronavirus, or have any of the symptoms listed on Involvio.
Class Meetings — Expectations:
Masks must be worn throughout the class.
Food and drink will not be allowed.
Seating will be restricted to the fixed arrangement of chairs.
Attendance will be taken for the sake of contact tracing, but will not be a factor in grading.
To facilitate taking attendance, seating for the entire semester will be fixed according to where students sit on the first day of class.
Do not sit at the table in the center of the first row (it will be used for recording the class).
More Coronavirus Issues
Office Hours:
Office hours will be online, by appointment.
The method for signing up for appointments is found at the class Google Classroom site.
Homework assignments will be posted at the class Google Classroom site.
Homework assignments must be submitted via the class Google Classroom site.
Each homework assignment must be uploaded as a single PDF file.