Geometry on the Web
There are many excellent (and many not so excellent) web sites on geometric topics such as polyhedra, tilings and symmetry; many of these sites contain outstanding graphics, and extensive lists of links. Here are a few nice sites that I have come across, though searching the web will most likely lead you to many other worthwhile sites.
Geometry in General
A very nice site covering all sorts of geometric topics, with many excellent links. A very good place to start searching for specific topics.
By the same person who does "Geometry Junkyard," this set of links focuses on real world applications of geometry.
The Geometry Center is a mathematical research institute that, in addition to promoting research, wants to reach out to a broader public.
This site has a very thorough discussion of various types of polyhedra, as well as outstanding graphics. To view the graphics you need special software, which can be downloaded for free, as explained at this site.
This site has some very good pictures of various categories of polyhedra.
Extensive discussion of polyhedra.
Higher Dimensions
Both of these sites have the complete text (with original illustrations) of "Flatland," the classic tale of a creature from a two-dimensional world who encounters higher dimensions.
Hinton wrote various works related to higher dimensions, as well as stories about a two-dimensional world that is rather different from that found in "Flatland."
These websites show projections and slices of four-dimensional cubes (and other objects).
M. C. Escher
Escher was neither a great artist nor a mathematician, but he was a rare person whose work so remarkably straddled art and mathematics.