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In spite of my best efforts, my books have their share of typos. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by the errors in these book.
If you find any errors not stated in the lists of errata available below, or if you have any suggested improvements for possible future editions of the books, I would very much appreciate hearing from you by email or regular mail.
Ethan D. Bloch
Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504
bloch "at" bard "dot" edu
A First Course in
Geometric Topology and Differential Geometry
Birkhäuser, 1996
This book, my first, has an embarrassingly large number of errors. Please send me any more that you find.
Proofs and Fundamentals:
A First Course in Abstract Mathematics
Birkhäuser, 2000
This book is now replaced by the second edition, mentioned below. All errors listed in the errata for the first edition (except for a few that were caught too late) have been corrected in the second edition, and many other changes have been made.
Proofs and Fundamentals:
A First Course in Abstract Mathematics
2nd Edition
Springer, 2010
This book replaces the first edition, mentioned above. Please send me any errors that you find.
The proof of Zorn's Lemma, on p. 124, has an error. The following proof should be used instead.
The following handout is meant to be used with Section 8.8.
The Real Numbers and Real Analysis
Springer, 2011
This book is new, and I hope it will not have too many errors. Please send me any errors that you find.